Friday 17 June 2011

Talent for the future

Tonight I went to my nephew's school, to see the art and graphics GCSE and A / AS Level work on display. AWESOME is the only word I can use to describe the talent that our schools are nurturing. Considering the funds are so limited for these children (which means they are not using the best brushes, materials or products) the work on display is astounding and of a really high standard.

This time of year, most schools, colleges and unis are having their end of year shows. Go check out the talent this country is producing! These young people are the future of creativity, and creativity is what makes the human race progress.

The other thing that hit me tonight, was how the exam boards are reducing the way students can express their creativity.... in other words, exam boards are setting "briefs" for the students to work to in the graphics exam. Now, I think there is an argument for and against this, but if exam boards themselves are not accepting creative exploration of a "brief", then the whole concept of a creative exam is redundant!

Another thing that hit me was this... there were very few final pieces that were computer generated in the Art GCSE or A / AS Level display. Isn't it about time these exams welcomed the skill and knowledge that is now available through using software? Watching how fellow illustrators can create characters, scenery, animation etc using programmes makes me think we are perhaps being very snobby regarding the arts and are likely to squash rather than celebrate the future creativity in our children.


Wrenaissance Art said...

Congratulations to your nephew, and good luck to him on his next step in life!

As far as the "creative briefs" assigned by the test-givers: Perhaps the scorekeeping groups don't want to be faced with complaints or litigation because of their decisions? For example, if one teen gets honors for abstract work, while another is left out because their work is folkloric (or vice versa), could the testers argue successfully in court about the quality difference when the two pieces can't be compared directly? But if the task is defined as "make a book cover for X novel, using the title, author name, review quotes, and an important scene from the story," then it becomes much easier to defend that one student got fewer points because he or she didn't complete the project exactly as directed.
As always, you make some interesting points to think about!

Magpie Magic said...

Couldn't agree more with you. I've been to a couple of End of Year shows and there's some amazing stuff out there but computer designed art is still a step child of the art departments which is a shame because there's so much really, really good art being created in this way.


Helz Cuppleditch said...

I think you are right Wrenaissance Art.. my fear is that these restrictions will make children feel they are unable to express themselves, and interest in creative exploration will subside. I also worry that the teachers and tutors will feel they are not allowed to encourage creative freedom, and these great minds will leave education. I think this is how lots of teachers are feeling throughout schools, in all subjects... it's about ticking boxes not drawing out the best in each individual child, and I worry that this is making a huge number of children feel they have no value!

I would love to see more CG work in these shows Sybille. I think there is a lot of untapped talent, and as a creative nation, we might be left behind in the commercial world where technology and art are working hand in hand.

Helz x