Sunday, 25 March 2012

Cuddle Time Fabric Collection

Just out in the USA is a new collection of fabrics using my designs licensed by Quilting Treasures, called Cuddle Time. This is a range of 21 designs, including crib panels, based on the Bazoo papercraft collection....


Wrenaissance Art said...

Congrats! The collection is just too cute. :-)
Will your work be represented at the Quilt Festival in Houston this fall?

Helz Cuppleditch said...

Thank you! It's so thrilling to see this out now, I worked on it last summer and have been itching to make the announcement!! I'm not sure if it will be there. Is that a trade show or one for the public to visit?

Wrenaissance Art said...

Both. I believe the first 1 or 2 days are devoted to the pro quilters and fabric artists, the last half is for hobbyists.

All the big fabric houses are represented with booths. Plus there are workshops, etc.